future forward 24

28 Nov 2024 | Vienna, Austria

Jason Slater

Chief Digital & Innovation Officer

UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Vienna, Austria

11 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

As the Chief Digitalization and Innovation Officer at UNIDO, Jason has led the organization’s digital and transformation initiatives, driving innovation and solutions. His leadership focuses on optimizing service delivery through digital solutions in close collaboration with stakeholders to enhance processes. With extensive leadership experience at UNIDO, he has served as head of IT, strategic financial management, business transformation and communications. Prior to UNIDO, Jason led finance management consulting in the UK public sector and served as head of finance in a large multi-national organization. He is a chartered management accountant and holds an MBA.

"As we move into the Future Forward, Digital solutions cannot just transform industries, they can transform lives."

My organisation

UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization


UNIDO, a specialized agency of the United Nations, is dedicated to promoting, dynamizing, and accelerating industrial development across the globe. Its mandate aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9— “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation”—while contributing to all 17 SDGs. UNIDO envisions a world without poverty and hunger, where industry powers low-emission economies, improves living standards, and preserves the environment for future generations, ensuring no one is left behind. The agency supports its 172 Member States through four core functions: technical cooperation, action-oriented research and policy advisory services, normative standards-related activities, and fostering partnerships for knowledge and technology transfer. UNIDO’s work focuses on three key areas: ending hunger by helping businesses from farm to fork; stopping climate breakdown by using renewable energy and energy efficiency to reduce industrial greenhouse gas emissions; and supporting sustainable supply chains so that developing country producers get a fair deal and scarce resources are preserved.

Social media

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 28 November 2024

16:25 - 17:15

UNIDO: Digital Future for all

Format:In-personLocation:Deep Dive Stage – 2nd Floor (Space 28)Track:Deep Dive Stage